The Real Tragedy in the Wake of Piotr Grudziński’s Death


There have been many tributes to Riverside guitarist Piotr Grudziński. I am doing one on my radio show. But since his sudden passing on Sunday, I don’t even think about the music side of things. I’ve been thinking about his wife, his family and friends.

His wife has had to face the worst tragedy imaginable, the death of her husband. My wife and I are very much each other’s worlds, so I could not imagine losing her so suddenly. In fact, Piotr’s passing has made death very real for me and I am sure for many people.

We’ve lost many famous people lately. David Bowie, who seemed to die suddenly, was in fact living with cancer for a while. This is different. Piotr was a young man still at 40. He had many people in his life who loved him and I am not counting all of the Riverside fans. He was a real person who had people that cared deeply for him.

The real tragedy is that he died suddenly without any warning. The void that someone leaves behind can be massive. They say time heals all wounds but I don’t believe that at all. When you are left to carry on after someone so dear to you has passed away, the pain is blinding. You are never the same.

My hope is that this reminds us all that death is for the living. We pick up the pieces and try to live but it’s a new path and not one we ever truly considered before. We should embrace the path of life we are on now and cherish it like we never have before. Because it will change.

About Rob

I have been a fan of progressive metal and progressive rock for most of my life. My music collection is insanely large. My passion for life is music!
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1 Response to The Real Tragedy in the Wake of Piotr Grudziński’s Death

  1. Jon patterson says:

    Losing someone so tragically is hard. I lost both parents two days apart. My mom was losing a long battle with lung cancer. We had been preparing for that for several months. What we were not prepared for was my dad going to sleep next to her in the hospital one night and dying. He had cardiac arrest. my mom died tow days later. That was in 1991. It was terribly difficult the first few years but now 25 years later i can say yes time does heal the wounds. I think of them often but not in the misery and loss like the first few years. Now it joy and thankfulness for the great times i did get to spend with both of them. Yes there is scar tissue but the wound is definitely healed.

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